Now isn't that shocking? Even after sixty three years of independence we have still not been able to penetrate large pockets of rural India. As Mahatma Gandhi had said India is a country of villages and progress is possible only when it happens at grassroot level. India which is known to have given the highest sanctity to motherhood is sadly lacking in giving the rightful place of honour to the mothers.
Low income levels, poverty, malnutrition, superstitious beliefs, and lack of education all put together play havoc on a womans life. When there is utter poverty at home the first person who sacrifices for the sake of her family is the mother. This in turn affects the entire family. It is so shocking to see families struggling to get even one simple meal. Many a time children are fed watery porridge and that is their meal for the whole day. The next day is an uncertainty. Imagine the mothers emotional feelings when she cannot even afford to give one proper single meal for her child. She must be dying a million deaths every second.
The government announces different schemes and releases crores of money. Who benefits from these schemes no one knows. I guess education is the only means that could bring about a wholesome change in our country in the long run. As the saying goes "you educate a woman, you educate the whole family". The sooner we realise this and work towards this end the better. There will then be no doubt about making India one of the happiest places for mothers and the joys that motherhood brings about. That day would truly be a celebration of Motherhood.